Dragon Boat Races 2017

The Merchant Taylors entered a boat in the famous York Dragon Boat race on Sunday 9th July. During a wonderful day our team came fifth out of 36 boats and competed in the Grand Final - an amazing achievement for first time entrants. We were also awarded the Charity Trophy – competing against 14 other charities!

Our thanks go to Peter Moody for organising the Merchant Taylors' team and to everyone who took part including James Baldwin, Matt Forman, Alex Nicholson and Nick Scroggs. We are also very grateful to the other 15 or so non members who were part of our team and did such an excellent job.

We raised funds for very worthwhile local charities as well as for the Merchant Taylors and hope we'll be able to compete again next year with an even more impressive presence!

Anna Porter