We support the Young People of York these are the winners of the York College MT merit award 2024
The Merchant Taylors are a Grant Giving Charity
We use the income we receive from letting the Hall, endowment funds and Member donations to to maintain and preserve the Hall and to support the development of skill and talent of York based young people in the areas of arts, music and crafts. At present we distribute grants totalling approximately £15,000 each year. We have ambition to grow this and welcome your donation to help us do this.
We work with partners such as the York Consortium for Conservation and Craftsmanship, York College and York Music Hub who benefit from our funds in order to further their aims and ours.
The charitable giving objectives of the Company are fixed by the 1945 Trust Deed and are formally put “such other purposes for the benefit of the poor and deserving persons of the city and suburbs as are charitable”. We follow a 2001 decision to focus our Charitable Activity Fund on giving assistance to young persons in the areas of arts, music and crafts. We target our work based on the following criteria:
Age - those who are under 30.
Place - those living in York or with a “connection to York”.
Need - those on a low income and, if a child, living in a low-income family. Receipt of means-tested benefits is a guide to low income.
Arts & crafts - including craft and artisanal skills, such as tailoring, fashion, music and the creative arts.